to make a reservation now
Stephen's Place
B & B
Fraser's Hill
A Bed and Breakfast for Naturalists.
Please Note: This is a home style bed and breakfast strictly for naturalists.
We are only open for naturalist, bird watchers and photographers, we do not take children.
Currently Stephens Place is closed for reservations.

A female Whit Thighed Langur nursing young.

Aerial displays are common, as the White Thighed Langurs move through the trees.

Bob the Masked Palm Civet was a regular visitor to the garden during 2014, 2015 and 2016.

The nocturnal Lesser Giant Flying Squirrel is sometimes referred to as the Spotted Giant Flying Squirrel and is frequently seen foraging for nuts at night.

One of the many unseen rodents that live in the forest.

A terrestrial civet the Malay civet is not commonly seen as it lives deep inside the forest.

Forest trails are used by many individuals, our remote cameras have picked up the Thick Spined Porcupine just after the Malays civet passed by.

Always on guard, A male White Thighed Langur looking after his family.

Bats are common visitors to the garden at night, as they regularly demonstrate their aerial acrobatics taking moths from under the lights.

Flying through the air the White Thighed Langur moving from tree to tree.